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From Memphis to Mountain City, from Ardmore to Ashburn, sex trafficking occurs in Tennessee. Reports of this global atrocity are increasing in magnitude and severity. On March 31, 2022 the Metro Nashville Police Department activated SWAT to assist in a human trafficking raid. Click to view news report. You are the difference! Rescue 1 is…
Freedom Stories: 12 Days of Freedom Join us on a journey of freedom as we tell the stories of human trafficking survivors that we have the joy to serve! Click on the video below to view Days 1-12 in a Youtube playlist. If you’d like to read the blog story that accompanies each video, click…
The Ultimate Freedom Story We read about freedom, dream about freedom, and rejoice in the notion of freedom. We teach, advocate, and hope for freedom. But what do we mean by freedom? “Freedom” means many things to many people. “Rescue” means many things to many people. “Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you,…
Survivor Story 11 I came to the US with my father when I was young, crossing the southern border. It wasn’t long until he started selling me house to house. When he thought he was about to get caught, he abandoned me. I was barely a teenager, and I was pregnant – unable to take…
Survivor Story 10 My growing up years were spent with biological parents, step-parents, and adoptive parents. But by the time I was in high school, I was on my own. Having been introduced to the sex industry at a young age, I made a “career” out of porn and exotic dancing. Others viewed my body…
One of the biggest dreams of a woman is to experience walking down the aisle with her man on the other end waiting for her to say “I DO”. To some, this dream becomes a reality while to others, this remains a fantasy. I am Sara, a former resident of the Red Light District, and that’s what I thought of my dream to be wed—it was a fantasy.
BUT NOW, I’m Married!
Survivor Story 7 My dad said we could all have a better life in the United States, so we moved here when I was 14. I knew he was struggling to keep us safe and provide. He and I worked together at a local grocery store and restaurant. One day, he dropped me off with…
Survivor Story 6 Rescue 1 came to my church and did a human trafficking training. I was overwhelmed by what I learned. I knew I had to do something – I had to join this fight, but how? What could I do to make a difference. They shared that one of the needs was for…
Survivor Story Day 4 I grew up in a great family and went to good private schools. When I was in middle school, I signed up for my first social media account. I added all my friends and even some “new” friends I didn’t actually know in “real life”. I accepted a friend request from…
Survivor Story Day 3 “I’ve spent my life in trap houses and drug houses in the southern United States.” -M My Life I am 14 years old. I’ve spent my life in trap houses and drug houses in the southern United States. Mom is still trapped in “the life”. Police and a local non-profit group…