Survivor Story Day 5

All I knew, as a 10-year-old girl, was that mom was leaving and going away to the city to find work. I never knew what that single decision really meant for her or for us. Several years passed, and no one spoke of or heard from mom much anymore. So, I had to learn to juggle life, school, and as the oldest girl, care for my father and 4 younger siblings.

As the chores and responsibilities increased — all the cooking, cleaning, and helping with my siblings’ school work — I had to drop out of school altogether. I stayed at home while they went to school, not knowing if I would ever have the opportunity to return myself.

Eventually, dad got remarried. As soon as my stepmother got pregnant and had children of her own we became an unwanted liability. Both our step mom and dad began to ignore and neglect us.

We became outsiders in our own home. My stepmother said she couldn’t care for all of us. She didn’t want “that other woman’s kids” in her house. So father was going to send us all away to the city.

But God intervened. A very nice group had come through our village and told us about a safe, loving home where kids like us could live and even get the chance to go to school! So, Dad told us that we needed to go to this house.

I was scared at first but now it has been 6 years since we walked in these gates and began our new life. All of us are now getting an education and planning for the future. I wouldn’t trade it for anything! Why? Because here we found Jesus, and I get to lead worship at our church. I mentor many of the younger girls who come in our doors.

By the way, I did catch up in school and even graduated from High school and now college! I love being able to show the world how God can change a life of abandonment into something wonderful!

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