R1G: Trafficking 101 @ FBCHendersonville
R1G: Trafficking 101 @ FBCHendersonville

We have been franticly busy the last few months with meeting after meeting, training after training, mobilizing after mobilizing, phone call after phone call, and email after email. You see the word is out! Trafficking is real, people really are being forced against their will to do things that no one deserves to do. Since, trafficking is the #1 “social justice” issue in the world right now advocates and abolitionists are springing up all over

Special Ops Launch Prep FBCHendersonville
Special Ops Launch Prep FBCHendersonville

I am so proud of the Church in Nashville. I have watched her rise to the occasion and begin to combat trafficking with understanding, wisdom, passion, strategy, care and love. I am humbled and amazed that God is using Rescue 1 Global to be one of the mobilizing forces in Nashville and in many other cities in significant pockets.

Rich training on Spec Ops prep
Rich training on Spec Ops prep

Many churches and small groups have invited R1G to help hone in their anti-trafficking initiative, like a missile hones in on its target. Now, by Launching R1G: Task Force groups they are well on their way to being well-Educated, to being effective and strategically Mobilized, and to being able to bring Biblical Restoration to domestic and international trafficked victims. One the mobilization focal points of a Task Force is Rescue 1 Global’s Special Ops, “Community Outreach”, Special Ops is an outreach program where R1G hit the streets of our communities to strategically, prayerfully, and boldly serve as a pre/post-legal Prevention, Protection, Intervention and Correction solutions based for potential victims and identified victims.

At Long Hollow for Momentum
At Long Hollow for Momentum

We are so excited to be a part events like Long Hollow‘s Momentum where we, as a Long Hollow Ministry partner, are able to encourage the body to continue seeking the heart beat of God regarding anti-trafficking and to assist the Church in turning Passion into Action. We are so excited about the days ahead as we Educate about trafficking, build relationships with Law Enforcement for collaboration, Mobilize to combat trafficking on a global scale and Restore the 1’s that God brings into our care.

At Long Hollow Hendersonville
At Long Hollow Hendersonville

On Saturday February 22 all 5 campuses from Long Hollow Baptist Church and many other churches from around Hendersonville came to a comprehensive R1G: Trafficking 101, 201, Special Ops and “Hot Spots” Training. From each campus God is continuing to raise Long Hollow/Rescue1 Task Force (TF) leaders and many committed TF members whose desire is to combat trafficking here and abroad. Through out the day the R1G: Trafficking 101 Packet came in extremely handy because everyone had plenty of room to take down notes after notes after notes!


Join us as we move forward with the LORD to saturate communities around the world with Biblical Justice and Biblical Restoration!

Would you like to be a part of the Restoration Movement? Join a Task Force!

Would you like to be a Sponsor 1 Parent to help provide life and hope for 1 being Restored? Sponsor1Today!

We always remember to thank GOD for you all who support Rescue 1 Global, who pray for us and donate items like these to help keep our team’s technology and tools up-to-date!

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