In the last few weeks, we have celebrated several recent graduates at Rescue 1 Global. It is a blessing to be a part of someone’s healing journey. Although it can take 7-8 touches before a survivor is able to leave her situation, not one of those points is a waste. Seeds are being planted, the love of Jesus is being experienced, and transformation is happening in their hearts at each phase. Knowing that God has a purpose and plan regardless of the fruit that we see or don’t see. God is always working and each step of the journey has a purpose. We’d love to share some of our reflections with you!
Our Graduates
Family Care Team Survivor Graduate

We are so proud of this sweet survivor. She came to us through a Law Enforcement Officer who knew about Rescue 1 Global. He called us worried about her safety and future. She had been bounced around programs and foster homes. At first, she didn’t want help, she didn’t see herself as a victim, just someone who was living life the best she could manage. She was accepted into a foster family, where she was able to finish high school. “I learned that success comes in different shapes and sizes and that even a half step forward is
movement in the right direction,” Harmony says as she reflects on this survivor’s recent graduation. “I can’t believe I really graduated. So many people never thought that I would do this. Myself included. I can’t believe this is real. I’m the first person in my family to graduate high school. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. It is amazing how God has worked all these miracles in my life,” she says to Gracyn. She continues to work towards finding her way to ultimate healing. She still has a long road ahead of her.
Residential Survivor Graduate

This lovely girl brought so much love and laughter into our homes. We learned through her to have fun and be silly in the midst of difficulty. “She most often was cracking jokes, being fun, and she could really change my mood!” Lauren says. “She reminded me to take time to just enjoy the youthful nature of life, and belt out the song while you’re at it,” Amanda says.
Tiffany reflects on this graduate, “she reminds me to always choose joy and live in the childlike faith and nature that He has created in us.” Our newest caregiver, Kat, reflects on her time with this survivor, “I learned not to be afraid to be a little more social. I also learned I’m not here to tell people the big plans I have with God, but to show them how amazing and BIG the plans God has for them. We talked a lot about vision and she acted like she didn’t know she could be a David. So moving forward, I just want all of the survivors to know no matter how big or small their dream they can achieve it with Christ.”
Re-integrated Survivor Graduate

The whole Rescue 1 Global team had the privilege of serving this graduate. She came in angry and hurt by the trials of life. She didn’t want any part of what we had to offer. But soon, the tough exterior started to wane and we began to see this beautiful soul emerge from her hiding place. “She just wanted someone that she knew would love her even when she messed up,” says Angela. “I learned from her that there is strength in choosing to move forward despite the intense betrayal and pain that lives inside,” Harmony says.
This beautiful girl spent hours learning and trying to find “normal.” She was given the opportunity of attending a local Christian school and living with one of our Family Care Teams who have other children her age. In the words of our founder, Lacy Tolar, “[I] couldn’t be more proud of this beautiful girl God allowed us to love and care for. I loved her saying when she graduated to us and our team “WE DID IT.” It takes a God-sized Community to see this type of transformation. #sheisgoingplaces.” “This survivor taught patience on our part with her constant adjustments of learning, understanding, practicing healthy new rhythms of life, and having firm standards of living and loving together,” says Daniel. This survivor has re-integrated into her family. She and her family are learning new coping skills and working through all of the trauma.
How can you take action?
Our time with these graduates has been such a great experience for all of us. Sure, there have been some tough times. However, ministry isn’t always wrapped up in a nice, neat box. Ministry requires getting into the messy parts of life that bring true healing through the love of Jesus. Please continue to pray for them as they navigate life in their new ways.
You can volunteer at our safe house or on an outreach program. You can also help champion women like our recent graduates by becoming ONE of 1000 monthly champions!