Survivor Story Day 4
I grew up in a great family and went to good private schools. When I was in middle school, I signed up for my first social media account. I added all my friends and even some “new” friends I didn’t actually know in “real life”.
I accepted a friend request from a boy who said he wanted to be my boyfriend. We quickly grew closer and closer online. I thought, “This is it! I’m in love!”
He began asking me to send him pictures of myself. Eventually he was requesting pictures I was uncomfortable sending. I didn’t want him to not like me, so I sent them. That started the nightmare of my trapped life for nearly a decade.
He threatened to share the pictures if I did not keep sending more and doing what he said. Pictures turned into uncomfortable videos, which turned into live webcam videos.
Finally, I told a safe person what was happening. She said a group had spoken at her church about human trafficking. She said they may help me. She called Rescue 1 Global.
That day, when I was introduced to the Rescue 1 investigators and advocacy team, my exploitation stopped. Since then I have gotten therapy and advocacy to prosecute my perpetrator who today sits in federal prison charged with human trafficking. I am learning to live free and take back the life I once lost.
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