Serving communities around the world until they are free from slavery and human trafficking.


Reintegration is always a difficult and scary transition to make. Sustainability, support systems, acquiring personal belongings, functioning communally, knowing your abilities, limits and when to ask for help are fundamental skills to learn for successful reintegration. Survivors have an overwhelming desire to prove themselves and be independent through this process. Resulting in both BIG SUCCESSES and valuable lessons learned!

We were blessed to have one of our survivors call us and say,”I got a refrigerator, stove and a couch all on my own. But I can’t find a bed and mattress. Do you think you can help me with that?” AND, HELP YOU DID! We had a partner give a mattress and another drive 2 hours to pick up and deliver it. Then we had a new partner, Tuesday Morning Store, give bedding and other needed housewares and another new partner bought a brand-new bed. Now, one of our survivors owns a beautiful bed, which she couldn’t believe is actually hers! She was so excited that she wanted to put it together all by herself. “Thank you, God,” she said, “and bless the people who gave it to me!”

Also, she had a bill that had to be paid that day and would have no money left for food this week. She asked, “What do I do?” We told her to pay it, trust God and pray. So, she did. THAT NIGHT, a committed partner TGBC gave her 2 boxes of food, enough for two weeks, a bouquet of flowers and card to encourage her. She was overwhelmed that God and others loved her that much!

Impact Today, Empower Tomorrow by becoming a Financial Partner!


Gaze at the immense beauty of this mountain village! It is remarkable, breathtaking and tranquil. The old world simplicity and serenity can be experienced in this picture. What you don’t see is the darkness of slavery gripping this village. SEE, one of the most horrific rescue operations came from this quaint village. 4 children, siblings, ages 3-9 were rescued from here! They are safe, healing, excelling in school and loving their, new, Rescue 1 family. You made this happen! You gave. You reached into the darkness and delivered freedom, safety, hope, peace, and joy. Their lives are forever changed because of you!

Continue to pray for this village! Here, the gospel had never been preached and the name of Jesus never spoken until our teams started our Prevention Efforts here and initiated a Reach 1 Team to prevent victimization, rescue the enslaved, and restore the survivor. We still serve this community and minister the gospel here for Enhanced Engagement for Lasting Impact!

Impact Today, Empower Tomorrow by becoming a Financial Partner!


The Pictures below were drawn for YOU by YOUR Rescued 1’s! Click drawings to download.



Impact Today, Empower Tomorrow by becoming a Financial Partner!

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