So as far as I can tell, blogs are supposed to be honest…So here goes. Honestly, my day has put the C in crazy and it is only 9:30 in the morning, and let me tell you that crazy is what my agenda is serving up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner today. There’s the three kids…and did I mention the ever vigilant quest for peanut free edibles… God bless school lunches! There was the late night last night with my special needs daughter who was having siezures. Fortunately they stopped, but lets just say that today I am learning the art of the “hem of the garment” mentality… I touched the “hem of the garment” of sleep last night, it will have to do miracles to sustain me.
I frantically whisked two children out of the door, on time, clean faces, and no yelling (keeping it honest this is one of my finer moments)! Turned my attention towards getting the third to her school when I was faced with the aroma of an unmentionable smell (trying to keep this G rated here). It is not unusual for my special needs daughter to need help with the toilet, but today, well it reeked and leaked and there was mopping involved. Kind of has the ring of a country song to it. Just to ease the suspense, she did actually make it to school! But now I am off to a funeral, of a good man, who died of cancer leaving children and grandchildren. Then there are the birthday party plans for kid number one, who will be bringing 5 of his rowdy 11 year old friends to our place in just two sleeps (try to breath normally). Oh and did I mention the friend in crisis who still needs to meet today.
So right about now, you are probably wondering what does all this have to do with Rescue 1 Global and human trafficking? I mean, really, it’s a world and umpteen problems away from my suburban chaos. I’ve just sung an Oompa Loompa song on a classical radio station, and everyone is looking around for the reason. Well to be honest here… if those of us suburbanites…which I believe is most of us in North America, are going to care about the problems a million miles away, we might just need to change our frequency.
I have chaos, I am sure your story is not so different than mine. But when I try to fall asleep at night, I see dead people. Not trying to freak you out here, just saying is all. I can’t shake the faces and stories of these children, girls, who have had all death and evil can shove down a throat and they are dead people walking. I don’t know their mothers and fathers, but I hear a still small voice at night that must come from their maker and he says… “who will help my daughters?” To be honest, at that point it is more than my daughter’s seizures keeping my sleep at bay. It is the thought that somewhere, a girl is having her childhood ripped from her. Somewhere a girl is in great danger of falling victim to the same fate as so many of her sisters. Somewhere there are people like me who can stop it from happening. Shouldn’t I be sitting up at night with the urge to help a girl caught in something much more nightmarish than a seizure? My daughter has lost so much of her childhood. Can’t I, in her stead, save other girls from loosing theirs?
So I am blogging to let you come alongside of me as I journey to obey the voice that says “I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you did for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant [they seemed], you did for me.” Mt. 25:40 I can guarantee that my journey will be messy, but I hope to introduce you to some of these girls so that you can know their stories. I hope to involve you in my families metamorphosis as we begin the process of becoming a Rescue 1 family. I hope you like adventures, cause here we go!
– Angela Sanders Turner, Guest Blogger