Women's Outreach

Our newest program offering is the Women’s Outreach in partnership with The Salvation Army. During our Wednesday meetings, the women are provided with a meal, provided toiletries, food to take with them, and other basic necessities. In the near future, some of our community partners have agreed to provide on-site medical care, dental care, and other screenings.

This program also gives us the chance to meet with women individually, as well as in a group setting. We are able to learn about them, who they truly are, and make them feel seen. This opportunity also provides us the chance to share the redemptive love of Jesus Christ. In addition, we are able to address any vulnerabilities that they have that make them vulnerable to trafficking, provide case management, and work on getting them food and housing security. We are so excited to continue and grow this program and to see the healing that comes through the Lord for the women who attend.