Rescue 1 Global has a three-prong, strategic plan to Prevent, Rescue and Restore the vulnerable, the vagabond and the victimized. We seek to move into a community, establish relationships, and provide education for combating slavery and human trafficking. Because Rescue 1 is global, it operates as one organization on two separate theaters: R1G: USA and R1G: INT’L. Often we will use program names that are similar in goals and objectives but are applied in varying methods based on the specific culture we are serving. The following explanations serve to guide the reader through the platforms of R1G programs whether USA or INT’L.
Prevent = Task Force – A group of people with an affinity to combat slavery and human trafficking by aligning with Rescue 1 to meet, pray educate, recruit, GO, & fundraise.
Rescue = Community Outreach – Is a strategic outreach initiative to identify the vulnerable and victimized, to help bring Biblical Justice to suffering individuals, families and communities and to help bring perpetrators to justice.
Restore = Grace Oasis – A safe haven for both minor or adult survivors of human trafficking that fosters safety, unity, and empowerment with a deliberate approach to serve each survivor in four key areas: emotional healing, educational support, physical health and wellness, and spiritual growth.
What You Can Do
Mission 1 Teams = Short Term Mission Trips – Short term mission trips and service opportunities which take teams of individuals, small groups, and R1G Task Force groups on conduct specific anti-trafficking initiatives and community-wide canvassing.
One/1000 = Sustainability – A full-scale monthly sponsorship program that invites sponsors to help care for and support the well-being of a vulnerable or victimized child or adult until that they become self-sufficient, for Staff members and for specific operations like Community Outreach and Emergency Extraction funds.